Plastic Reduction


Make a difference

Our plastic waste reduction initiative helps your organization establish a clear vision of your impact, set a target for waste reduction, and build a clear roadmap for implementation. The return on investment, and impact on consumer engagement is clear.

Our work on plastic reduction


Our approach

Plastic waste reduction is an opportunity to address a serious environmental problem while also driving value by opening new business models and identifying efficiencies. Actors throughout the supply chain need to evaluate the overall impact of packaging, including terms of its plastic content, carbon footprint, and ability to prevent product damage.



Our clients use sustainability to drive the financial performance of their businesses.  This is done by improving operational efficiency, targeting new client segments, and strengthening brands. This means restructuring the business model to embed sustainability in operating processes and supply chains.


In the news

We are pleased to have been invited to speak at IESE Business School’s Doing Good, Doing Well Conference for the panel about reducing single-use plastic in business operations. Other panelists represented TAPP Water and Ikea Group.