Hot Picks for a Cool Planet: Your Climate Resource Hub
CO₂ Management Fundamentals
Note: The measure/target/reduce approach is necessary but insufficient. Do these steps for compliance & then quickly move on to more meaningful action.
Don’t wait to have perfect data. Your data will improve year by year. Just start reducing!
GHG Protocol The international standard for GHG accounting
A free, easy to use Corporate GHG calculator
CO₂ Reduction Strategy
A long list of actions is not a strategy. A strategy identifies the few key actions that determine your overall success.
Transition Planning TPT recommendations for building a robust climate plan
Sustainability Strategy Course by our Advisory Council Member Mike Rosenberg
Target Setting
Avoid “Greenwishing”. Don’t announce a target unless you have a clear operational plan to achieve it.
SBTi The best known platform for reduction targets.
SME Climate Hub Tools, training and target setting guidance for smaller organizations.
Don’t be ashamed of your CO₂ data. Put it on your website. Transparency is a sign of leadership & it benefits your entire sector.
CDP The best known platform for reporting CO₂ data.
MITECO A reporting program run by the Spanish Ministry of Ecology.
Aiming for Systemic Change
Systems Thinking
It’s 30 years too late to believe that incremental CO₂ reduction will deliver deep decarbonization.
Thinking in Systems A foundational text in systems thinking by Donella Meadows
A Field Guide for Transformation Essay by Leah Stokes clarifying how to take action on climate
Critical Understanding
Why don’t we think critically & clearly about climate change? Because we are complicit & it’s hard to accept & understand that.
Willfull blindness Margaret Heffernan on why we avoid dealing with the worst problems
The Complicity of Corporate Sustainability A core text for thinking critically about our own role
Towards a Better Strategy
Most organizations have narrow climate plans that don’t aim at strategic issues. Their planned actions aren’t logically connected to their objectives.
Theory of Change Have a clear & realistic plan explaining why your actions will have the desired impact
Positive Tipping Points Leverge your impact by aiming at sensitive intervention points
Whether you like it or not, you are actively participating in a fight between people who want to speed up the energy transition & people who want to slow it down.
Influence Map See which side of the fight companies are really on
Join a Team That works on the aspect of climate that you are focusing on
Risk and Preparation
Physical Risk Models
How should we think about low-probabality, high-impact events?
Probable Futures The most user friendly climate model
Impacts in Europe Visual overview of projected impacts
Waking up to Systemic Risk
Infrastructure for food, transport & health was not built for risks of this magnitude. Which elements will we try to save?
The Snap Forward Alex Steffen on understanding the rate and magnitude of change
Systemic Financial Risk Planet Critical podcast with Sandy Trust
Emissions and Scenarios
The primary uncertainty isn’t about science. It’s about human decision making. How much CO₂ will we continue to emit?
NGFS Scenarios A set of social and emissions pathways for scenario analysis
Temperature Estimates A survey of IPCC authors indicates an expected rise of at least 2.5°C
It’s not about achieving certainty. It's about making good decisions in the face of uncertainty.
The Climate Web The most comprehensive climate risk information available
The Cynefin Framework A tool for decision making in situations of uncertainty
Carbon Literacy
Climate Science
It’s real. It’s bad. It’s us. We can fix it.
Intro to Climate Science Online Climate Science textbook from University of Oregon
Climate Fresk An easy and fun way to explore climate science
Climate Data
Stay up to date with authoritative information about emissions, energy, policy & climate impacts
Climate Dashboard Interactive dashboard for key climate data
Carbon Brief Comprehensive climate news from world-class experts
Key Issues
Understand the most urgent topics in the climate crisis
Planetary Boundaries Climate is only one aspect of a broader ecological crisis
Justice Climate change dispropotionately affects those who have done the least to create it
There is no single silver-bullet solution, but there are many ongoing battles that can tip the balance
Project Drawdown Roadmap of compiled climate solutions
ENROADS The best online tool for modelling the impact of climate solutions.